
Walker painting by Stewart Irwin

Kay has claimed this painting. She says:

“I’m lucky enough to have met Stewart a couple of times and have loved his paintings since I first saw them. I feel delighted that I can own one and enjoy it. I chose this painting because I wanted a picture with a figure in it that did not look just like a passer by in a scene but looked like someone that Stewart might have known or loved. I love the feeling I get from this painting that Stewart is nearby, gazing at the man on the rock, capturing his image in beautiful surroundings. I also relate to the man in the hat. I can imagine myself perching on a craggy lichen covered rock and taking in the view of a place like this. The man looks lost in thought and solitary, even though I get the sense of Stewart being there with him. I find this feeling familiar and peaceful. To be somewhere beautiful, to be thoughtful, to be alone but together. It looks like a picture of peace to me and I can’t wait to have it on my wall and look at it every day.”

Walker, a painting by Stewart Irwin, at home with Kay