House and canal

House and canal, a painting by Stewart Irwin

Sonia and Tracey have become the keepers of this painting. One of them writes:

“For me the painting reminds me of long walks during difficult times where I took opportunities to think. I lived on the Leeds – Liverpool canal growing up and it can be a beautiful, peaceful place to gather your feelings in the not so nice town of Leigh in which I grew up.

I also love paintings that you can spend hours looking at and wondering is there extra meaning. For example… The way the houses in the painting don’t seem to have doors and the whole house seems to be sinking. The shadows on the water and the sign of little movement, the fact the water is dirty, that it isn’t blue like the sea as they often aren’t but still beautiful.

It’s a beautiful piece and one that we will cherish until its time to pass onto someone else so that they may do the same.”

House and Canal, a painting by Stewart Irwin, at home with Sonia and Tracey